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people development management apps at your finger tips

Transformational Model of Digital Training

To make learning more accessible to your employees in their spare time, our creative virtuosos at INTERACTIVE will curate customizable content that can be accessed and revisited by your talents anytime, anywhere. ​
Save up to 60% in business costs and retain more participation in our tailored, interactive training programs among your employees. ​

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PEOPLEAPS Business Model

unique people management system

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PEOPLEAPS is a  3-in-1 platform that offers a digital training to boost productivity and add value to your organization by introducing an easier method to increase the training efficiency and reporting system.​

It streamlines the training processes that involve multiple departments like HOD, HR L&D, Talents and Trainers right from the comfort of the app.​
Learners will have access to a wide pool of subject matter experts, access engaging e-learning modules, interesting case studies, and learn via various methodologies such as face-to-face, online and coaching sessions. 

L&D/HR professionals, trainees/employees, as well as team leaders such as superiors/HODs. ​


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